Kelén sétahajó a Balatonon

Pleasure boat trip in the sunset


One must live what no photograph can adequately depict!

1 hour-long pleasure-boating into the sunset. During the early hours of the evening, while sailing on the lake, one can marvel at the sight of the wondrous sunset.  As part of the romantic hour-long boat trip, we charmingly provide our passengers with champagne and soft drinks.

Travel conditions

  • The Company does not accept any liability for changes in water conditions, cancelled trips due to weather conditions, late arrivals, or any liability for missing train or bus connections.

  • The Company maintains the right to modify prices, timetables, and programmes.

  • The sailing of pleasure boats and advertised program boats are dependent on adequate passengers, while the regularly scheduled boats are not affected in any way by the number of passengers.

  • Upon request, we organise trips for groups apart from regular scheduled boats.

  • Depending on the number of passengers on a boat, we provide the possibility for transporting bicycles.

  • Only dogs wearing muzzle baskets and on leashes will be allowed on the boats.

  • The detailed traveling conditions are contained in the business regulations, and are downloadable from the attachment, or can be found at the Company’s docks.