Szántód-Tihany ferry transportation
Do you intend to go to other side of the lake? Just 8 minutes!
Balaton Shipping Company would like to inform the traveling passengers that contrary to the personal boating services, ferry transportation between the north and south shores of Lake Balaton are guaranteed every day of the year! Choose the BAHART ferries in order to avoid traffic jams and standing in line!
We would like to inform our passengers that depending on traffic, in contrast to the advertised schedule, we increase the frequency of the departures, in order to constantly guarantee the crossings from one side of the lake to the other!
The Balaton Shipping Company does not accept any liability for changes in water conditions, cancelled runs due to bad weather conditions and their late arrivals, or any liability for missing train or bus connections, and will not provide any compensation.
In the event of increment weather, or unfavourable ice conditions, the ferry service will not operate. We will attempt to inform our passengers of this on our web page, Facebook page, and with travel info news.
BAHART reserves the right to change schedules and prices!
The detailed conditions of travel are contained in the business regulations, which is downloadable from the attachments menu, or can be obtained at the Company’s ferry dock.